Boyz II Menorah (Late Late Show) and Religion

If you haven't seen this new clip celebrating Hanukkah and boy bands, you should watch it before continuing to read. (Search for Boyz II Menorah and the Late Late Show, as I'm currently unable to link the video.)
All of the actors featured are either practicing Jews or grew up in Jewish culture.
I like boy bands, Josh Peck, and the Late Late Show as much as anyone, but I'm not Jewish. I started thinking, is it okay to celebrate another religion by listening to popular music? (Yes, I've seen Fiddler on the Roof.)
I would expect the writers of this song to want to expose people unfamilar with Hanukkah to its traditions. Listening to that song gives me more of an affinity for Jewish culture. I choose whether or not to listen to that song. The artists can't make me act one way or another. No one is "forcing this music down my throat."
As an American Christian, I see Judaism as a safe, sister religion. I don't know any Jews personally, but if I did, I wouldn't fear them.

An Aside: Do people of other religions listen to Kanye's Jesus Is King album and feel nothing? Does Kanye's recent switch to clean music force Christian culture into mainstream radio? His songs from Jesus Is King aren't playing on the Christian stations I listen to.


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