A New Attitude for Women and Modesty
You may be wondering, "Why is she talking about modesty? Isn't that so 2016?" Well, I did write about modesty (specifically bikinis ) in 2016. But, according to a recent article detailing an opinion piece at the University of Notre Dame, this is still a relevant topic, especially for women in the church. Here is some context about me that will be helpful before we begin. I attended high school youth group at a Baptist church from 2010 to 2014. During that time, and even as a junior higher, one book that influenced me in this area was For Young Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn and Lisa A. Rice. The authors cite research and focus groups to convince the reader that dressing modestly (and other topics) are biblical practices. We had at least one girls-only night where some leaders talked to us about modest dressing (for example, skirts and shorts at or below the knee, camisoles under v-neck shirts, and no spaghetti straps or bra straps showing). The goal of dressing modest...