Christian University vs. Secular University

Those of you who know me know that I love my school. It's a Christian university, and it's difficult to imagine myself being anywhere else. This may be extremely biased. Probably. I have plenty of friends and acquaintances who are believers who go to secular or what I usually call state schools for college. They love it. A lot of them are involved in Cru. They are there praising the Lord, and that's awesome.
And then here I am. Living in what my school calls an "intentional community." How is it different from Cru (used to be known as Campus Crusade for Christ)? Well, for starters, a lot of my classmates are believers. Even if I don't know them that well, for the most part we have this in common. Then, besides an RA, we have a Discipleship Assistant (also a student) who plans a worship and prayer gathering on a weekly basis and small groups that we can attend. Each DA is chosen by the hall director and members of the Residence Life staff.
My friends at state schools are getting a similar thing. They have Bible studies and worship nights through Cru. How is my school really different? Well, in my opinion, I'm learning to live in a community of faith before being on my own.
Some will say it gives me a naive picture of the "real world." That could be true, which is why my school (and some other Christian schools that I know of) do their best to get us in that world as much as possible. Whether it's a trip overseas or guest speakers who have jobs in the "real world," people at my school encourage us to get out there. Then, they offer us a place to dwell on it.
Thanks for reading!


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