Christian University vs. Secular University
Those of you who know me know that I love my school. It's a Christian university, and it's difficult to imagine myself being anywhere else. This may be extremely biased. Probably. I have plenty of friends and acquaintances who are believers who go to secular or what I usually call state schools for college. They love it. A lot of them are involved in Cru. They are there praising the Lord, and that's awesome. And then here I am. Living in what my school calls an "intentional community." How is it different from Cru (used to be known as Campus Crusade for Christ)? Well, for starters, a lot of my classmates are believers. Even if I don't know them that well, for the most part we have this in common. Then, besides an RA, we have a Discipleship Assistant (also a student) who plans a worship and prayer gathering on a weekly basis and small groups that we can attend. Each DA is chosen by the hall director and members of the Residence Life staff. My friends at state...