Sixteen Candles and Gender Relations

If you've ever seen the '80s movie Sixteen Candles, then you know that some parts of it are horrible, while other parts have a redemptive quality. I'm going to discuss how it relates to gender relations.
Ted (the Geek) thinks that Samantha (main character) is amazing, even though she has only had one positive interaction with him. "Not many girls in contemporary American society today, would. . . help a geek like me." Ted sees her as valuable, and he even vows to beat up Jake if he lays a hand on her. [Spoiler] Unfortunately, Sam does not hear this conversation, nor does she see him as worthy of her affections, and both end up with other people.
The other day, a friend of mine shared a Tumblr post about how teenage girls are made fun of no matter what they like. It was the kind of post that left a bad taste in my mouth. We need to see the value in others, specifically members of the opposite sex, who will find it refreshing and encouraging. We need to tell them that they are valuable. The judgement many teenagers feel, specifically young women, shouldn't last their entire lifetime.
If I see that my guy friend may be having a bad day, then I should ask him if he's okay. It's his choice whether or not he opens up to me, but I should show him that I care.


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