
Showing posts from October, 2019

Single Women and Youth Ministry for Girls

I’ve previously shared my thoughts on singleness and women’s ministry. I’d encourage you to read that before continuing to read this. As I thought back to the resources I used as a teen for purity and how to live well, I realized that most of them were written by married women. I did some brief research to see if I could find resources for Christian pre-teens and teens written by single women. Here are my findings: (I searched specifically for resources related to purity and puberty.) The Christian Girl’s Guide to Change Inside and Out by Rebecca Park Totilo (2016) It’s Great to be a Girl! A guide to your changing body By Dannah Gresh and Suzy Weibel (2015) Let’s Talk! Good stuff for girlfriends about God, guys, and growing up By Danae Dobson (2003) Follow up book is Let’s Walk the Talk! Girlfriend to girlfriend on faith, friendship, and finding real love (2009) Emotional Purity by Heather Arnel Paulsen (2007) Almost all of these authors are married w

Review of "Fast Times at Riverdale High"

Season 4 Episode 2 Though I'm quite proud of Episode 1's story line and the honor it showed Luke Perry, I will not be reviewing it. In a weird turn of events, this episode actually showed our fav teens in school. Yes, in classes and the lounge and going to football practice. Charles tells Betty to act like "a normal high schooler." I laughed out loud. How ironic! He's also requesting her to participate in an FBI investigation. Kevin is back and wants Betty's forgiveness and to be one of the gang again. I understand that the actors are in their 20s, but why does this show portray them sleeping together so much? I may be out of touch with high school culture, but no teens sleep together as much as these do. Thank you to the writers for a small mention of Betty's crush on Archie. I am a sucker for friends-to-couples story lines, and I hope they get some cute, romantic scenes by the end. The new principal Mr. Honey seems suspicious to me. What is he hidi