
Showing posts from April, 2016

Review of Becoming Jane

"What value will there ever be in life, if we are not together?" ( Becoming Jane  had every part of a typical Jane Austen story- a love interest (poor, unlike some), unappealing suitors, patrons getting in the way of young people's happiness, etc. However, I did not expect the ending, and it wasn't until the movie was over that I realized it was partially based on facts. Tom Lefroy and Jane Austen did indeed meet for three balls and a party, which is recorded in letters to her sister during January 1796 ( In the movie, Tom tells her to read Tom Jones  by Henry Fielding (who wrote a book that I read for class this semester) in order to "inspire her." The point actually is that she needs to learn more of the world to be able to compete with male authors of fiction. The viewer also sees Jane write some of Pride and Prejudice  as her romance with Tom inspires her. Whether you love Jane Austen or not, give this movie a try!

To My Friend in a Bikini

This is a response to a friend's post of a diagram by The Flawless Project that encourages men and women to say nothing about a woman's bikini. Silence is not love. If you love people, you approach them because you care. Sure, you look great in a bikini. Does that mean it's appropriate for you to tell me to shut up if I don't agree with your wearing it? No. Encourage conversation. Yes, modesty feels old and out of place in today's society. It's more popular to ignore it. Do you want to talk about it constantly? No. Do I want to approach you about it? No. Unfortunately, clothing is a part of our lives. Some people care deeply about their everyday appearances. Shutting up is not the answer. Conversation may seem like it's getting us nowhere, but it's better than silence. I could type pages and pages about the workings of a man's brain, but, instead, I'll give you some resources. For Women Only  by Shaunti Feldhahn and For Young Women Only  by Sh...