Confessions of an Internet Addict
Hey, guys. I know that this is not a marvelous or happy thing; however, a serious issue is present in our society and in my life today, and it needs to be discussed. How do I know this? Because I live with it. I have an Internet addiction. You may laugh and say, "everyone today does." We are constantly on iPhones or Androids and not with people. If this is you, you need help. If the second you are alone in your room, you are on your phone, then, you have an addiction. How to suppress or cure it? Well, as a professor at my college told us, you can control it. You think that you cannot, but you can. Some would say, well, just because I am alone on a device, does not mean that my brain is not stimulated. Yes, when you are watching a video, when you are scrolling through social media, when you are watching television, your brain is stimulated. But we are not spending time with people when we are on our devices. I am fu...