An Interview with Writer Stacey Salsbery
I've known Stacey for almost a decade. I first met her as my parents' friend and got to know her better when she became a leader in my youth group. One part about her that I admire is her passion for the Bible. Since she is a writer who is most likely older than most of my readers and is in a different life stage than I am, I decided to interview her. Q: When did you first begin writing and call yourself a writer? S: Writing for me has been recent. It developed out of my time teaching a ladies Bible study. I would always make a handout for the ladies and they kept telling me, “We just love your notes.” Which got me thinking, I wonder if I could turn my notes into some sort of devotional. It felt like an unattainable dream at first, especially since I was pregnant with our third child. But the idea just wouldn’t go away. So I dabbled in it for a bit. Writing and rewriting my notes for that ladies Bible Study. And then three years ago, I started a blog, wherein I write...